Advent in the farm. Christmas is peace. Cuore e...
Advent in the farm. Christmas is peace. Cuore e...
Advent in the farm. Christmas is peace. Cuore e...
Advent in the farm. Christmas is peace. Cuore e...
Advent in the farm. Christmas is peace. Cuore e Batticuore 117
Advent in the farm. Christmas is peace. Cuore e Batticuore 117
Advent in the farm. Christmas is peace. Cuore e Batticuore 117
Advent in the farm. Christmas is peace. Cuore e Batticuore 117

Advent in the farm. Christmas is peace. Cuore e Batticuore 117

Gráfico de punto de cruz. incluye la frase en Italiano, francés e inglés

Nº de puntos: 280 w x 170 h 

Medidas orientativas (bordado sobre dos hilos de trama:

  • En una tela 11 hilos/cm: 50.9 cm X 30.9 cm
  • En una tela 12 hilos/cm: 46.7 cm X 28.4 cm
  • En una tela 14 hilos/cm: 40 cm X 24.3 cm
  • En una tela 16 hilos/cm: 35 cm X 21.3 cm   
Últimas unidades en stock
11,00 €
Impuestos incluidos


Material recomendado:

Zweigart Edinburgh 14 hilos Country Mocha Vintage 3009


  • DMC: 310
  • DMC: 03
  • DMC: 304
  • DMC: 666
  • DMC: 760
  • DMC: 434
  • DMC: 987
  • DMC: 704
Stock mínimo

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